
Ziyang Wu (b.1990) is an artist based in New York and Hangzhou, currently teaching at the School of Intermedia Art at the China Academy of Art, visiting professor of Expanded Media Department at Alfred University, and is a former member of NEW INC at the New Museum. His recent practices examine how current technologies, in a cross-cultural context, affect politics, society, and the explicit and implicit relationships between things at both macro and micro levels.
With an MFA from the Rhode Island School of Design, and a BFA from the Florence Academy of Fine Arts, his video, AR, AI simulation, video game and interactive video installation have exhibited internationally, including solo exhibitions at How Art Museum, Shanghai; Annka Kultys Gallery, London; Nancy Margolis Gallery, New York; Hatch Art Project, Singapore, and group exhibitions at the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) Philadelphia, Rhizome at the New Museum, Walker Art Center, Rochester Art Center, SXSW, Art Dubai, Hek Basel, ifa Berlin- Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Medici Palace, Milan Design Week, M+ Museum, K11, UCCA Center for Contemporary Art, Long March Space, Today Art Museum, By Art Matters Museum, Song Art Museum, Times Art Museum, Zhejiang Art Museum and Ming Contemporary Art Museum.

His recent fellowships and residencies include the shortlist of “Future Generation Art Prize” (2023-2024); “The Randall Chair” award at Alfred University (2022-2023); “Kai Wu” Interdisciplinary Studio residency, Media Art Lab, Times Museum (2021); AACYF Top 30 under 30 (2021); Residency Unlimited (2020); MacDowell Fellowship (2019); Artist-in-residence at Institute for Electronic Arts (IEA) (2019); Art(ists) on the Verge Fellowship by Northern Lights.mn and Jerome Foundation (2018); Finalist of Amassing Force 2017 Wangshikuo Award, Today Art Museum (2017); AICAD Teaching Fellowship (2016); Winner of The ROCI Road to Peace by Robert Rauschenberg Art Foundation (2015). His work has been reviewed and featured by ArtForum, Artnet, Art Review, Art Newspaper, e-flux, Brooklyn Rail, It’s Nice That, LEAP, Vogue Singapore, Hypebeast, Wall Street International, New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA), BIE, Heichi Magazine, Numero Art Magazine, Neural Magazine, Vie Des Arts Magazine, ANTE Magazine, Frontrunner Magazine, Stir World Magazine and more.
武子杨,1990年生,生活工作于纽约和杭州,现任教于中国美术学院跨媒体艺术学院,美国阿尔弗雷德艺术学院客座教授,前纽约新当代艺术博物馆NEW INC孵化器项目成员。他的近期实践探讨了当前技术在跨文化背景下对政治、社会以及宏观和微观层面事物之间的明确和隐含关系产生的影响。
罗德岛设计学院艺术硕士,佛罗伦萨艺术学院艺术学士。他的视频,增强现实 (AR),人工智能 (AI)模拟,游戏和互动视频装置等在国际不同的展览展出,个展包括上海昊美术馆,伦敦Annka Kultys画廊,纽约Nancy Margolis画廊,新加坡Hatch Art Project画廊,群展包括费城当代艺术博物馆,纽约新美术馆与旗下根茎,沃克艺术中心,罗切斯特艺术中心,SXSW,迪拜艺术博览会,巴塞尔电子艺术中心,柏林国际广播展,美第奇宫,米兰设计周,M+美术馆,K11,UCCA尤伦斯当代艺术中心,长征空间,今日美术馆,天目里美术馆,松美术馆,时代美术馆,浙江美术馆和明当代美术馆等。
他的近期奖项和驻留包括“未来世代艺术奖“入围(2023-2024);阿尔弗雷德艺术学院The Randall Chair奖(2022-2023);广东时代美术馆媒介实验室”开物者”驻留(2021);AACYF Top 30 under 30青年精英榜(2021);纽约Residency Unlimited驻留(2020);MacDowell 麦克道威尔基金(2019);iea电子艺术学院驻留(2019); 罗伯特·劳申博格艺术基金会ROCI Road to Peace获选者等(2015)。他的作品曾被艺术论坛,Artnet,艺术评论,艺术新闻,e-flux,布鲁克林铁路, It’s Nice That,LEAP艺术界,Vogue新加坡,Hypebeast,华尔街国际,纽约艺术基金会,BIE别的,黑齿杂志,Numero Art杂志,Neural杂志,Vie Des Arts杂志,ANTE杂志,Frontrunner杂志,Stir world杂志等报道。

